
Harris Park, Kirkwood Street, Armidale

Latest News: Friday, 8 November 2024
New Website for Armidale Athletics Club

Armidale Athletics Club has moved its website to the RevSport platform

  • For redirection to the new website click HERE.
  • This website will no longer be updated.

Welcome to Armidale Athletics Club 

“run for fun”

With the combining of Armidale Little Athletics and the senior Armidale Athletic Club to form Armidale Athletics Club, the committee feels we are in a stronger position to conduct and support many different events and competitions for all of the Armidale athletic community (young & young at heart), throughout the year.

For track and field athletes, the club conducts weekly Wednesday track and field meets between the months of October-March, as well as Development Days.

For cross country and recreational runners, during the months of April-September the club conducts weekly Wednesday Cross Country meets at SportUNE.

The Club is also a key supporter of Armidale parkrun, held every Saturday morning at SportUNE, and the Duval Dam Buster, held annually at Dumaresq Dam/Mount Duval

The Armidale Athletics Club runs events for U4 through to U17, then from U18 to Vets, with membership options from local club membership to full Athletics NSW and/or Little Athletics NSW membership. The emphasis at all times is on “run for fun” and improvement of athletes’ own performances. A secondary objective is to provide athletes with the opportunity to compete at Zone, Regional, State, National and International levels.

Best wishes for an enjoyable year of athletics,

The Committee

Armidale Athletics Club